The Pre Shipment Inspection for the Fuel Bowser and Wreckers made by Tekne on HD9 Astra vehicles for the Bangladesh Ministry of Defense, now a long-standing and loyal ...
AZIMUT s.p.a. offers services for the management of the territory and public goods in the municipalities of Ravenna Cervia Faenza and Castel Bolognese.
Among other ...
Spring has arrived and our offices, workshops and production areas are teeming with industriousness.
There are many projects in progress and those that will soon see ...
The inspection report was signed following the visit of the Bangladesh delegation for the progress of the orders regarding 3ton wreckers and fuel bowser (tanks).
Our ...
Huge success for our GRAELION chassis in a customised version, now in use by the fire brigade of Heidelberg, Germany, with a beautiful MLF (medium fire protection) ...
Our commercial network extends over the territory: we announce the new TEKNE Dealer CAVI DIESEL for Lombardy and Prov. Autonomous of Bolzano!
From its birth at the end ...