In particular, the project aims to design and implement a technological demonstrator and define, at the same time, suitable techniques and methodologies to enable service activities with the following main focuses:
- education, training and continuous updating of personnel specialised in cyber security, also aimed at experimenting with new defence techniques and organisational practices for managing cyber security
- testing equipment and devices, through the ability to provide realistic test environments to speed up the new product development cycle, with specific regard to security needs related to emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things and 5G communications
- the characterization of services related to operational scenarios of significant industry domains for the Abruzzo Region (in particular, the ICT sector, the motorists-co sector, domotics and with possible application also to the electromedical and telecommunications sectors)
The project is financed within the framework of the POR FESR Abruzzo 2014-2020.
Action Line 1.1.1: "Support for research projects of enterprises involving the employment of researchers in the enterprise".
Action Line 1.1.4: "Support for R&D collaboration in the development of new sustainable technologies, products and services".
The project started on 3 April 2018 and will be completed by August 2020.
Tekne collaborates with the Lead Partner Leonardo on aspects related to the security of radio communications, with the creation of a technological demonstrator of a multidimensional distributed radio frequency (RF) sensing system based on Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology, capable of detecting the presence of transmissions and interference/jamming sources in frequency, time and geographical position existing in a given area through the distributed processing of data collected in the field by cooperating sensors. The implementation of this testing environment will allow to test the platforms that will be developed by the other partners mainly in the IoT context and the functionalities to be provided that will be defined during the research phase of the project.
This test environment can be applied to IoT systems in areas such as healthcare, avionics, automotive, natural disaster management, major events management, etc.