The delivery of the second fleet of 30 light rescue trucks for the Fire Brigade has been completed


firefighters road recovery road recovery trucks fitting volvo special vehicles emergency&rescue fleet delivery road recovery trucks 4ton


We have completed the delivery of the fleet of 30 4-ton light rescue trucks to the National Fire Brigade Corps. This supply follows the delivery of a previous fleet of 30 trucks, already operating at various Provincial Commands, Regional Directorates and Training Schools, contributing to the continuous improvement of the resources available to the Corps.

These new vehicles, set up on Volvo FL512, are equipped with advanced technological solutions to ensure efficiency and safety in roadside assistance interventions.

Among the main technical features:

  • Removable platform with a capacity of 4 tons, dimensions 6000x2300 mm
  • Hydraulic fork with lifting capacity up to 1.7 tons
  • Moving winch on the platform with a capacity of 4.5 tons
  • Rear winch with a capacity of 3.6 tons
  • Ball and hook towing hook
  • Side stabilizers for greater stability during operations
  • Light bar with flashing lights and fixed headlights
  • Clearance lights for greater visibility
  • Siren and speakers for sound signaling

Discover them up close in the new video!

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